Review: It Runs in the Family
A review of Frida Berrigan‘s It Runs in the Family by Alice Bach Continue Reading →
a review of religion and media
A review of Frida Berrigan‘s It Runs in the Family by Alice Bach Continue Reading →
A round-up of recent religion and media stories in the news. Continue Reading →
By Sajida Jalalzai. A hunger strike at Guantanamo during Ramadan reveals contradictions about religion, ethics, and prisoners’ rights. Continue Reading →
By Ann Neumann There are two places in the U.S. where you can be fed against your will: a Catholic hospital and a prison. Continue Reading →
From Richard Kim’s recent editorial at The Nation, “Obama’s ‘War on Terror’“:
And so we now see clearly a kind of social cancer: the exercise of inhumane and abusive power simply because it is the state’s prerogative. Recall that this is what happened in Abu Ghraib—not torture for purpose but torture for fun, for petty retaliation, for no reason other than that the uniform allows it. The treatment of Manning in Quantico, as well as the incarceration of inmates in CMUs for no apparent penological purpose, demonstrates that the poisonous shards of Abu Ghraib are still with us.
Guantanamo Thong Song The Bush administration recommends sexual abstinence for singles — unless, of course, you’re a Guantanamo prisoner. In that case, official policy involves thongs, body fluids, and blue balls.Paisley Continue Reading →
British novelist Margaret Drabble calls Guantanamo “the Bastille of America,” and the imprisonment without trial of Muslims there one of the U.S.’s worst (current) sins. Why then, asks The Guardian‘s Nick Cohen, aren’t Drabble Continue Reading →