Sanctifying Wall Street

Amy Levin: Time for an update on #religion at #occupywallstreet? This week, Sarah Posner mediated a roundtable discussion with Religion Dispatches regular contributors highlighting particular religious moments of the occupy movement. Anthea Butler tells Posner says that Occupy Atlanta’s refusal to let civil rights protestor and Congressman John Lewis speak was a reflection of OWS “becoming slaves to the ‘process'” rather than accepting inspiration. The civil rights movement, like OWS, didn’t have a “complete consensus” either, and it was inspiration, not process, that sustained endurance.

Posner then questions Nathan Schneider about the role of self-identified religious groups in the movement like the Protest Chaplains and Occupy Judaism. Posner asks whether or not these groups are necessary for the success of OWS, or if religious activists are engaged in the movement in order to “reimagine the role of their respective religious traditions in contemporary political activism.” Schneider responds that the “ordinary trappings” of religion, like rituals and ceremonies, are needed in the movement; religious groups will only be able to get so far toward their own goals inside the “self-consciously non-hierarchical, revolutionary, and disruptive” environment of OWS. Continue Reading →

The Revealer Family, Published

It’s been a great week for readers, thanks to a suite of articles by members of The Revealer‘s family of writers.  Covering issues from reality-based food to women’s travel, from the health care crisis to Zionist activism to religious compounds in Missouri, we’re proud to have such talented and diverse writers’ names to drop!

Former Revealer managing editor Kathryn Joyce has an important article, “Escape from Missouri,” in the July/August issue of Mother Jones.  Read more about it here.  Buy it on newsstands today.

Our books editor Scott Korb has a new piece in the special food issue of Lapham’s Quarterly, “It’s What’s for Dinner.”  You can read the article here.  Read Nathan Schneider’s comments on the article here.

Former managing editor Meera Subramanian has contributed to a new book, The Best Women’s Travel Writing 2011.  Get your copy here.

Kiera Feldman–and we admit it’s a stretch to claim her as one of our own, but we will–has an article at The Nation this week, “The Romance of Birthright Israel.”  Read it here; read Jeff Sharlet’s comments on it here.

Your editor truly has a piece at The Nation this week on the Catholic Church’s renewed focus on aid in dying and the implications for health care in the US.  Read it here. Continue Reading →

Give Us This Day Our Daily Links

“I believe the Founding Fathers were moved around like men on a chessboard put in place at that time so the world could have America.”

Nathan Schneider grills Judith Butler, at The Immanent Frame.
A new regulation outlawing the veil in France gets the entire “religious tolerance” thing wrong.
Sarah Posner at Religion Dispatches brings us up to date on developments surrounding Jim Wallis’ (Sojourners) call to prayer and fast against proposed Republican budget cuts.
The American Cancer Society is under attack again from a number of religious organizations; a boycott of Relay for Life has been called by those who depict stem cell research as, um, Dachau-like.
Josh Harkinson at Mother Jones writes about Family Research Council’s funding of anti-union ads in Wisconsin, one of which asks voters to do the impossible:  keep politics out of the Supreme Court.  Of course, political prospects for Republicans are much better in 2012 if fiscal and social conservatives can be pals again.  (Throw in the neocons and the GOP’s smokin’!) Here’s a clip:
Of course, exegetical disputes with liberal Christians aren’t the only reasons why FRC opposes labor unions. Not only do unions’ economic principles put them at odds with evangelicals, so do their social values. A recent press release from Dobson’s Focus On The Family, which was once conjoined with the FRC, complains that most political donations from labor unions go to Democrats and liberal social causes. “Over the past several election cycles, unions and their members contributed millions to fight against core American values—especially on issues of life, religious freedom and marriage.”