Author: Hinakealohaila Kaleilehua Wilkerson

#GreenGraduates – An interview with Chu Jia Sing 

The Green Graduate series is a collective of interviews and conversations with environmentally-minded and eco-conscious NYU graduates. As these students move on to the workforce, graduate programs, and other opportunities, we are struck with how different the world seems today than it did a few months ago. Our hope with this series is to inspire, motivate and most importantly, honor the class of 2020. 

This is Chu Jia Sing. Like many graduating students, she’s finishing her senior year back home. For her, that’s Singapore. She moved to New York four years ago to pursue her Bachelor’s degree in economics and environmental studies – disciplines that couldn’t seem more relevant with everything going on in the world. I asked her if this pandemic has transformed how she’s thinking about sustainability and environmental justice? Her mind goes to the localization of supply chains, “Will we cut down on emissions, are we going to minimize the environmental harms we inflict on small indigenous communities?” Read more

NYU Fights Food Insecurity During COVID-19

New York, the city that never sleeps, has gone silent. As we transition to remote learning and working, we are struck with the inequalities being both created and deepened by COVID-19. NYU is a university not only in the city, but of the city. It is our responsibility and privilege to answer the call in one of New York’s greatest times of need.

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GREEN GRANT UPDATE: The Carry Your Own! Challenge

Written by Sarah Dietz

The Carry Your Own! (CYO) Challenge officially came to a close on Thursday October 17th, culminating with a celebratory evening awarding the top three plastic waste mitigators for their efforts. (If you are unfamiliar with the CYO challenge, please visit the first blog post to learn more.) Winners were presented with reusable tote bags filled with generous prizes. In the totes were hundreds of dollars’ worth of low-waste lifestyle prizes, including gift cards to Precycle, NYC’s first package free grocery store. These awesome gifts were made possible largely due to donations from local, low-waste lifestyle companies, Precycle and Your Local. The winners were selected based on their level of participation in the three-week challenge, which asked them to eliminate as much personal plastic waste as possible, mainly through two items commonly used by students on campus; coffee mugs and utensils. The contest was judged by an NYU student who chose the winners based on quantity of posts about their challenge experience.

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CALL FOR NYU STUDENTS: Participation into Sustainable Art Project from Italy

On the occasion of the international urban sustainability conference EDRA50 Brooklyn, NYU Tandon will organize in cooperation with Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy) an art project titled “A Human Flower Wall” by artist Sasha Vinci, winner of the Sustainable Art Prize 2017 promoted by Sustainable Ca’ Foscari at the contemporary art fair ArtVerona and supported by the art gallery aA29 Project Room (Milan/Caserta). Read more

Cynthia Malone, “Fear of a Black Planet” – Full Video

Cynthia Malone is a PhD, activist, environmentalist, and scholar. Her current research unpacks scientific racism in the applied natural sciences and how Black peoples across the diaspora contest this racism in land-based struggle, scholarship, and music. Cynthia has been invested in political education and direct action organizing in the movement for Black lives since 2015.  She is a member and former organizing co-chair of BYP100’s NYC Chapter. In 2017 she was named one of Grist magazine’s 50 “Fixers” in recognition of her leadership in advocacy for equity in conservation and STEM. Read more