Summer Biking Essentials

Biking is a fun and convenient way to explore a city or commute. Whether you’re new to biking or a seasoned cyclist, be sure to prepare for sunny and rainy days with this summer biking essentials list.

Bike Helmet
 Bike Helmet


1. Helmet

Safety first. Protect your head and ride safely across the city by wearing a helmet whenever you ride.




Water Bottle Image
Water Bottle


2. Water

Stay hydrated! As climate change intensifies summer heat, exercising can make your body lose water more rapidly. Always bring a water bottle with you and drink continuously throughout your day.



Sunglasses Image


3. Sunglasses

Don’t let the sun slow you down! Sunglasses are a great way to protect your eyes from the sun and wind, making your ride more comfortable.




Sunscreen Image


4. Sunscreen

Lather up and keep your skin protected from the sun.




Granola Bar Photo
Granola Bar


5. Snacks

Biking burns energy (human-powered, that is)! Fuel up with a snack while you go around the city.




Rain Jacket Photo
Rain Jacket


6. Rain Jacket

Don’t let summer storms catch you off guard. Pack a small/light rain jacket when you go out for a ride.




Finally, make your final preparations by checking out our full list of summer biking tips by following us @nyu_green in social media!