
Specialization in Data Analytics

In addition to their choice of concentration, MSGA students are now able to attain a “Specialization in Data Analytics.” The purpose of this specialization is to equip students with concrete data-analytic skills that will both benefit them throughout their coursework and thesis/capstone projects, as well as signal to prospective employers that a student is capable of using computer software to manage, analyze, and present data. Information Session PPT

Interested students may contact Clinical Assistant Professor John V. Kane, coordinator of Data and Research Analytics, at john.kane@nyu.edu with additional questions.

Course Requirements for the “Specialization in Data Analytics”:
1) “Analytic Skills for Global Affairs” (GLOB1-GC 3035) completed in 1st or 2nd semester.
2) “Applied Statistics” (GLOB1-GC 2515)
3) At least one additional qualifying course from this list to reach a total of 9 credits. 

In order to successfully complete the specialization, students must attain, at a minimum, a 3.2 grade-point average (GPA) in the courses (9 credits total) that qualify for the specialization.

Specialization in United Nations
The United Nations specialization provides a focus on the operations of the UN as well as the contemporary challenges it faces, preparing students for a career within the UN system in tandem with their chosen concentration. Students will learn practical skills like policy writing, negotiations, and mediation in the classroom and gain field experience by connecting with relevant UN-related agencies on real-world issues. Information Session PPT

Course Requirements for the “Specialization in United Nations”:
1) Introduction to the United Nations – GLOB1-GC 2345
2) The UN and 21st Century Challenges – GLOB1-GC 2645
3) One course from this list

Specialization in Global Risk
The challenges we face in global affairs cannot be ‘won’; rather they must be managed, with costs and benefits evaluated and strategies developed and monitored.  The systems that make up today’s world—whether in the fields of economics, energy, the environment, public health, natural disasters, or security—bely simple solutions. To cope with the complexity and uncertainty that underpin the contemporary world, students will benefit from cultivating a risk-informed approach.  Across the Global Risk Specialization, they will become familiar with the concept of risk; its sub-elements (threats, vulnerabilities, likelihood, and impact); risk management strategies (mitigation, avoidance, transfer, and acceptance); as well as the socio-political and economic consequences. Information Session PPT

Course Requirements for the “Specialization in Global Risk”:   

3) One class (3 credits) from this list

*NEW* Specialization in Emerging Tech
This specialization enables students to come to grips with the revolutionary changes and risks posed by cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, and robotics in fields such as the environment, business, security, development, outer space, and governance and to understand how those changes will shape Global Affairs. The Emerging Technology specialization examines these phenomena from an interdisciplinary point of view, involving legal, ethical, operational, and political perspectives.  

Course Requirements for the “Specialization in Emerging Tech”:   
1) Required: GSCC1-GC 2225: National Security and Emerging Tech
2) Two classes (6 credits) from classes listed below:
• GLOB1-GC 2550: Emerging Technologies and Developing Countries

• GSCC1-GC 2010: Connected Communities
• GLOB1-GC 2047: The Future of War
• GLOB1-GC 2494: Astropolitik
• GSCC1-GC NEW Cyber Ethics

Once you have completed the requirements for a specialization, please fill out the CGA Specialization Completion Form.