MSGA Academics

Selecting your First Semester Courses
The core courses are designed as the foundation for your graduate studies in the MSGA program. If you are beginning as a full-time student, you should plan to take at least three core courses within your first semester of study. Full-time students take four courses or 12 credits per semester. Part-time students may register for 1-3 courses per semester and should plan to take at least two core courses during the first semester of study. It is recommended that new full-time students register for Analytic Skills for Global Affairs (GLOB1-GC 3035), International Relations in the Post Cold War Era (GLOB1-GC-1000), and International Political Economy (GLOB1-GC-1030) in the first semester. The fourth course can be one of the remaining cores or your concentration pre-requisite (e.g. Peacemaking and Peacebuilding or Developing Countries) if you are certain of your intended concentration. Part-time students should take Analytic Skills and either IR or IPE in the first semester.

For additional information on degree planning and requirements, please visit our course planning page.

Visit here to read about our Global Field Intensives.

Get a Head Start with Recommended Reading

For those students who wish to gain a firmer understanding of issues related to the Global Affairs curriculum, we recommend that you read the news daily and subscribe to relevant magazines such as The Economist and Foreign Policy. Also, check out the Essential Texts for Global Affairs list compiled by our CGA Faculty.