Internship for Credit

GLOB1-GC 3905

Internships are a great opportunity, an important way to gain inside knowledge of professions and organizations within the field of global affairs and acquire access to valuable contacts. Many students in the MSGA and MSGSCC programs take on one or more internships during the course of their studies, but we are delighted that now you may be able to make a relevant and substantive internship also count towards your degree program.

How to enroll: To enroll in the credit internship, please complete the following steps:

  1. Carefully read the requirements of the internship below.
  2. Once you have successfully obtained an internship for a particular semester, please fill out the “Internship Registration Form” on this page.
  3. Please submit a letter to the department ( from your internship organization (supervisor) outlining the responsibilities of your internship and the anticipated schedule/hours per week. 
  4. Once the department has all required internship enrollment details (form and supervisor letter) then you will be notified of the approval of your credit internship and registered by the department. 

Requirements: Students in the MSGA and MSGSCC who have completed at least 9 credits within the program and are in good academic standing with a 3.0 grade point average or higher (please note, these are non-negotiable requirements) and who have already identified and secured an internship may apply for permission to take this 3-credit course. Please note that this is a 3-credit course and students will be charged the same tuition as a regular MSGA or MSGSCC course.

Internships may be taken as free electives or, with the approval of the program, count towards the credit requirements of a concentration (only relevant to the MSGSCC). Each student may only take 3 credits of internship towards their total 42/36 credit degree requirement.

To count towards fulfillment of this course, the internship must be approved by the program in advance and involve substantive work and a time commitment typically equivalent to at least one day per week for a full semester, or 98 hours. Under exceptional circumstances, with the approval of the program director, shorter or less intensive internships may be approved for 1 or 2 credits instead. A representative of the organization within which the student is interning must confirm the duration of the internship and its substantive nature and agree to read and comment on the student’s final report.

Any credit-bearing work counts as teaching and carries with it certain legal liabilities for NYU. As a result, the student and organization representative will have formally to confirm that the internship will not put the student into a position of risk nor involve any illegal activity. In addition, while it may well be that internships covered under this program will be abroad, they will almost certainly not be approved if they are in countries or areas to which the State Department discourages travel, or that are on the NYU Insurance & Risk Management Department Restricted Travel list (

Of course, even if for whatever reason we cannot accept an internship for course credit, you are still entirely welcome to undertake it on your own initiative.

Supervision and Assessment: You will be under the supervision of a designated professor, who will provide guidance and support. The professor will be available to enrolled students to address any questions or problems during the semester, and will host a required group session to share experiences toward the end of the semester. Furthermore, the professor responsible for each intern will also expect regular brief updates on a monthly basis.

This course is evaluated on a pass/fail basis. The assessment pattern is:

  • Internship Report:  Submit a 5-8 page INTERNSHIP REPORT. This report should be an honest and thoughtful description and evaluation of your internship. It should state how you got your internship, your duties, what you learned, what you didn’t like, the atmosphere at your workplace, etc. The report does not need to be signed off on by your supervisor but it must be uploaded to Brightspace (deadline announced early in the semester).
  • Portfolio of Work: Prepare a small representative PORTFOLIO of your internship work, for example, reports you wrote, press releases you drafted, translations you did, brochures you designed, etc. Please attach information, if any, on your organization as well as business cards or other contact info for those who do the hiring (deadline announced early in the semester).
  • Closing Group Presentation (November or April, date announced early in the semester).

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS:  Please consult with your CGA advisor and OGS regarding credit requirements for Optional Practical Training (OPT).