By the end of this course, students will…

  1. Discover the kinds of research data humanists in the 21st century gather.
  2. Explore the spatial dimensions of knowledge in various branches of the humanities.
  3. Learn to structure data relevant to spatial humanities projects.
  4. Learn how to make, and critique, digital maps and 3d spatial content.
  5. Analyze maps and spatial content as material objects, with both a social and ideological context.
  6. Learn some basic aspects of digital production (digitization, data formats, simple customization, simple code, automatic geoparsing, etc.)
  7. Understand technology and new media as historical rather than simply recent phenomenon (Cordell).
  8. Participate collaboratively, and democratically, in project-based research about space, place and location.
  9. Gain an appreciation for openness and transparency in research, as well as the growing importance of infrastructures for sharing data.
  10. Practice publishing one’s results in a research blog in a web hosting, and a poster presentation, balancing discussion of process and product.