This page has two parts (1) the breakdown used for assessment in this course and (2) course policies.

Students will have the opportunity at midterm to renegotiate this breakdown collectively and with the instructor.

Blog Roll (30%)  (40%)

There will writing assignments approximately every two to three weeks (8 total. 5% per post, the two lowest grades will be dropped, 300-500 words). The format for this will be a blog, a key form of 21st-century public writing. They will be either reflective pieces on a conceptual issue that has arisen in class or a report or review about a project or experiment carried out. The main issue here is to learn to communicate ideas in the open and to develop a voice for researching blogging.  Students will learn how to install, to choose an appropriate theme, and to embed their digital work within a public blog.

Participation (10%) 

I expect participation from all enrolled in the course. This course will require students to experiment with new digital environments and to be willing to try and fail. Between the course meetings, students may have to investigate a problem to learn how to do it themselves— taking initiative will be rewarded. In addition, helping out fellow students and fostering a collaborative spirit in the classroom will be rewarded. A laptop will be essential for almost every session.  Participation will be assessed by the extent to which the students have prepared for in-class discussion and are ready to address the readings.  See the Values of Digital Humanities page for the general ethos.

“Poster” presentation Conference presentation (10%)

During the DHAD conference in April, students will present a collective paper. This will be an excellent way to refine your projects for the end of the semester.  Please post whatever materials you use for this on your blog and comment on what you learned from the experience.

Mini-Project 1: (20%)  ??

Participatory mapping project. You will curate your own map(s) from the common dataset of the class accompanied by a blog essay.

Mini-Projects 2 and 3: Final projects (20% each) 

Pick two of the hands-on exercises we did and revise them to deepen and expand the argument (Text Mapping, Geo-referencing or 3d Modeling of Historical Objects)

Final projects will include a revision and deepening of two of your preferred postings about exercises that were done from class (this could include taking the portion of the conference paper you wrote and working on it further).



Attendance and participation: Attendance and participation in class will be an essential part of the final grade. Attendance means that you are present and that you bring your readings and a device. Class participation means that you come prepared to discuss the materials, that you speak up when you have something relevant to say and that you are respectful of all students’ desire to speak. If you do not attend regularly you should also expect a low participation grade. The same is true if you do not bring your books/devices or if you regularly arrive late. There will be a considerable amount of preparation between class periods. If you are not exploring the projects, working on your data and reading, you will fall behind quickly.

Attendance Policy: The course is based on regular, progressive exercises. It is required for students to attend. A maximum of three absences in the semester is allowed, but not suggested. After this point, the instructor reserves the right to remove the students from the class.

Device policy: Devices are allowed, even encouraged, in the course since they provide multiple points of access to information in our age. In general, this does not mean a phone. It is very desirable to come with a tablet or laptop. Sometimes a tablet will not provide us with the functionality we need and the instructor will tell you to bring a laptop. You should not text in class. You should close applications that are not class related. In the case of some exercises and/or assessment you will be asked to close or put away your devices. Device abuse may require the instructor to revise this policy.

Integrity: Academic integrity and honesty are central components of a student’s education. Ethical conduct maintained in an academic context will be taken eventually into a student’s professional career. Academic honesty is essential to a community of teachers and learners. Anything less than total commitment to honesty undermines the efforts of the entire academic community.  NYU Abu Dhabi expects its students to adhere to the highest possible standards of scholarship and academic conduct. Students should be aware that engaging in behaviors that violate the standards of academic integrity will be subject to review and may face the imposition of penalties in accordance with the procedures set out in the NYUAD policy.