
Companion websites for publications


  • SONYC-UST v2.3 (a.k.a SONYC-UST with Spatiotemporal Context) Dataset – A multilabel (23 class) dataset containing 18515 sound recordings from the SONYC acoustic sensor network that includes metadata on where and when the audio was recorded. All recordings were labeled by Zooniverse volunteers. A verified subset set (1385 recordings) is annotated by the SONYC team.
  • SONYC-UST v1.0 Dataset – A multilabel (23 class) dataset containing 2794 sound recordings from the SONYC acoustic sensor network. All recordings were labeled by Zooniverse volunteers. A validation set (443 recordings) is annotated by the SONYC team.
  • Urbansound Dataset – A dataset containing 1302 labeled sound recordings. Each recording is labeled with the start and end times of sound events from 10 classes
  • Urbansound8k Dataset – A dataset containing 8732 labeled sound excerpts (<=4s) of urban sounds from 10 classes
  • URBAN-SED Dataset – A dataset of 10,000 synthesized soundscapes with sound event annotations generated using Scaper 
  • Seeing Sound Dataset – A dataset of 5400 crowdsourced audio annotations of 60 synthesized soundscapes
