Professor Sohmyung Ha gave a tutorial on inductive data transfer at the 20th International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC 2021) (link:
Abrar’s ISCAS paper is invited to TCAS II
Abrar’s ISCAS paper on LDO is accepted and invited to TCAS II.
Abrar and Kai-Wen’s paper is accepted to Electronics!
Congratulations, Abrar and Kai-Wen!
Their paper titled “Duty-cycled Wireless Power Transmission for Millimeter-sized
Biomedical Implants” is now accepted to Electronics (MDPI).
Seminar at UMass ECE
Prof. Ha gave a seminar for the ECE seminar series of University of Massachusetts Amherst on Monday, November 9, 2020.
Prof. Ha is now member of BioCAS TC of IEEE CAS Society
Prof. Ha was nominated and approved to join the Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BIOCAS) Technical Committee (TC) of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society: link
Prof. Ha served ISCAS 2020 as session chair
Prof. Ha served as a session chair for two sessions of ISCAS 2020.
The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) is the flagship conference of the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society:
Prof. Ha is now IEEE Senior Member
Prof. Ha is elevated to IEEE Senior Member in recognition of his experience, expertise, and contribution in the biomedical circuits field of IEEE.
New member: Dr. Soon-Jae Kweon
Dr. Soon-Jae Kweon from KAIST joins NYU Abu Dhabi and the lab as a postdoctoral research associate. Welcome aboard!
Opening: PhD Fellowship (NYU/NYUAD Global Fellowship)
We are looking for a bright mind for NYU Abu Dhabi Global PhD Fellowship. You can find details below:
PhD Fellowship in Biomedical Circuit and system design_2020
Abrar’s review paper on DLDO – accepted!
Abrar’s review paper on DLDO is now accepted to IEEE Access.