Simons Center Postdoctoral Research Symposium

This all-day, in-person event will showcase the work of postdoctoral researchers within the Simons Center and the larger NYU Theoretical Chemistry area. Click to view Symposium Abstracts  organized alphabetically by presenter. Note venue change:  All presentations will take place at 5 Washington Place, Room 101, starting at 9:00 AM.   Click here for a pdf of...

Seminar: Arup Chakraborty

Waverly 540

The Simons Center for Computational Physical Chemistry at NYU regularly hosts visiting scholars to discuss their work.  Join us on September 16th for a presentation by Arup Chakraborty of MIT:...

Seminar: Jochen Autschbach

Waverly 540

The Simons Center for Computational Physical Chemistry at NYU regularly hosts visiting scholars to discuss their work.  Join us on September 30th for a presentation by Jochen Autschbach of the University at Buffalo: Chemical Bonds and Molecular Properties     Abstract: Essentially all spectroscopic, optical, electric, and magnetic properties of molecules can be calculated as derivatives...