Category: Publications

Special Issue at IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language

Together with Gaël Richard, Tuomas Virtanen, Nobutaka Ono and Hervé Glotin, Juan Pablo Bello is guest editing a special issue of the prestigious IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing. The topic of the issue is sound scene and event analysis for indoor and outdoor environments, including applications in bio-acoustics. The call for papers is available from…

Special issue at Journal of New Music Research

The Journal of New Music Research’s special issue on “Cross-disciplinary and Multi-cultural Perspectives on Musical Rhythm” is already out. The issue is a follow-up to our first workshop in Abu Dhabi, and was guest edited by Carlos Guedes, Robert Rowe, Godfried Toussaint and Juan Pablo Bello. It features five articles discussing musical rhythm from different…