Month: April 2016

Join our project – Postdoctoral position open

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral associate position to join NYU’s MARL. The focus of the position is flexible and intended to contribute research in both environmental sound and music analysis. We’re looking for someone with expertise in one or more of the following areas: audio signal processing, music information retrieval, bio-acoustics, machine learning and/or…

Global Seed Grant

We are proud to announce that we have been awarded an NYU Global Seed Grant for Collaborative Research for the proposal entitled “Creation and Analysis of a Digital Repository of Middle Eastern Music”. The $130,000 award will support our efforts to gather a corpus of digitized audio recordings from a variety of musical cultures, to build annotated…


Special Issue at IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language

Together with Gaël Richard, Tuomas Virtanen, Nobutaka Ono and Hervé Glotin, Juan Pablo Bello is guest editing a special issue of the prestigious IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing. The topic of the issue is sound scene and event analysis for indoor and outdoor environments, including applications in bio-acoustics. The call for papers is available from…

Special issue at Journal of New Music Research

The Journal of New Music Research’s special issue on “Cross-disciplinary and Multi-cultural Perspectives on Musical Rhythm” is already out. The issue is a follow-up to our first workshop in Abu Dhabi, and was guest edited by Carlos Guedes, Robert Rowe, Godfried Toussaint and Juan Pablo Bello. It features five articles discussing musical rhythm from different…