AHC-AD 140X: A course curation

Tag representation

Discussing intersectionality in academia: approaching women’s rights in the GCC

Discussing intersectionality in academia: approaching women’s rights in the region   As a scholar, I have been quite fascinated with approaching gender and women’s rights in the region. Our class has made me think of an infinity of perspectives one can… Continue Reading →

Coca-Cola: “Et tu brute?”

Coca-Cola debuted a commercial during Super Bowl 2013 featuring Arabs riding on camels in the desert, Arab American groups were far from pleased. This representation is largely outdated, much like Hollywood’s common portrayal of Native Americans as people in loincloths and… Continue Reading →

Nike “Pro” Hijab – Perspectives arise…

Religious female Muslim athletes trying to find a way of dressing modestly while still competing in high-level sporting events like the Olympics are getting a new and surprising ally: Nike. The American sportswear giant announced the “Pro Hijab,” a head covering… Continue Reading →

The Nights: Re-orienting the greatest story every told

One Thousand and One Nights: Re-orienting the greatest story ever told   In the words of Syed Jamil Ahmed, the collection of One Thousand and One Nights or the Arabian Nights is the most famous example of Arabic literature globally…. Continue Reading →

I think I might have a problem with the international language of music

I think I might have a problem with the international language of music     I consider myself fortunate for participating in Yo-Yo Ma’s workshop with The Silk Road Ensemble a couple of days back. I found it quite humbling… Continue Reading →

Controversial Hissa Hilal: Did the Middle East reinvent Islam as it reinvented its nationhoods?

I recently came across an article by Hissa Hilal from 2011 on a particular idea of Islam that has come to dominate society. Hissa Hilal may not be famous outside of the Gulf region, however she is the first female… Continue Reading →

Riz Ahmed: The Convergence of Art and Politics

Aside from the really touching moment at the end of the skype call in which Riz assured us that the place we are meant to be is where we are most uncomfortable, I think the most memorable and striking insight… Continue Reading →

Riz Ahmed and the Politics of Identity: A Double-Edged Sword

I cannot say I fundamentally disagree with Riz Ahmed on the politics of representation of Muslims in the Western world, but I am quite confident when I say that our arguments intermingle like two planets that, perhaps, are not even… Continue Reading →

Cross-Cultural Dialogue: Munika on Coke

The discussion in class today on cross-cultural dialogue and the politics of representation, both intimately interwoven into location-specific gender narratives, made me think of a binary approach to popular culture and art by some Muslim artists who are of the community they… Continue Reading →

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