Inspired by personal struggles with sleep and wakefulness, this sampling of the Fajr adhan uses exclusively sounds from the adhan in a composition that expresses my personal experiences and turn toward the routine of salaat as a measure to… Continue Reading →
On a recent trip to India, we participated in a Qawwali performance at a mosque in Fatehpur Sikri. We were there to study Islamic Art and Architecture, but participated in the performance to experience some of the local culture as… Continue Reading →
My intervention is an obvious jab at mainstream social conservatism in Islam (glamourized personal piety), especially ones highlighted through Muhajababes, but the jab is self-critical and ironic at the same time. My question throughout the intervention – and throughout the class,… Continue Reading →
In my pop culture intervention, I was aiming to answer — or at least ponder — a few personal questions that have bothered me throughout my college career. I think a lot about impacting the community around me, and I spend… Continue Reading →
This video focuses on Islamophobia and Islamism. The main inspiration behind the intervention is the fact that we, humans, have been targeting a major population (community) of the world, Muslims, for the actions of a very small percentage. The theory… Continue Reading →
Questioning cultural authenticity: three case studies This blog portrays my Muslim Popular Culture intervention. The intervention tackles cultural authenticity, as inspired by the class discussion and the “Rebel Music” excerpt on musical authentic identity and regional politics. In an… Continue Reading →
During our Skype session, Riz Ahmed said that, “We need to represent every type of Muslim.” This was my point of departure for the Muslim pop culture intervention assignment. I wanted to steer away from the Muslim subject as… Continue Reading →
Over the course of the class, we have discussed the way in which subculture is born out of a need to rebel against dominant culture. It often acts as a means of circumventing the powers that be and their imposed restrictions… Continue Reading →
Intro Notes What I aimed to do in this video was juxtapose three very different kinds of ‘activism’ under the overarching theme of feminism. The first being Girls on Bikes who from when I filmed this video to this day continue… Continue Reading →
TED Problematics: the case-study of Maysoon Zayid I have never been a fan of TED talks. Unless you know exactly who you want to listen to and have done your research about a particular individual, I have found it… Continue Reading →
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