AHC-AD 140X: A course curation

Tag poetry

Revolution: A Pop Culture Intervention

In my pop culture intervention, I was aiming to answer — or at least ponder — a few personal questions that have bothered me throughout my college career. I think a lot about impacting the community around me, and I spend… Continue Reading →

Urdu Poetry: A different Islam?

There are millions of people who think that our enemy is not only ISIS or the Taliban but Islam itself. It isn’t. Edward Said wrote in an article published immediately after September 11 that there is more than one Islam… Continue Reading →

Controversial Hissa Hilal: Did the Middle East reinvent Islam as it reinvented its nationhoods?

I recently came across an article by Hissa Hilal from 2011 on a particular idea of Islam that has come to dominate society. Hissa Hilal may not be famous outside of the Gulf region, however she is the first female… Continue Reading →

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