AHC-AD 140X: A course curation

Tag music

Questioning cultural authenticity: three case studies

Questioning cultural authenticity: three case studies    This blog portrays my Muslim Popular Culture intervention. The intervention tackles cultural authenticity, as inspired by the class discussion and the “Rebel Music” excerpt on musical authentic identity and regional politics. In an… Continue Reading →

Timbuktu: Muslim Pop as a Weapon Against Extremism

Earlier this week, I attended a conference for one of my other classes, led by former US Ambassador to the Netherlands, the Honorable Cynthia Schneider. She spoke about cultural diplomacy, which is essentially the art of exchange and engagement between… Continue Reading →

I think I might have a problem with the international language of music

I think I might have a problem with the international language of music     I consider myself fortunate for participating in Yo-Yo Ma’s workshop with The Silk Road Ensemble a couple of days back. I found it quite humbling… Continue Reading →

Jazz & Its Messengers

Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers were, true to their name, labelled as jazz ambassadors and messengers to the outside world, a symbol of the melting pot that was the United States. To many, these jazz musicians transcended their entire… Continue Reading →

Controversial Hissa Hilal: Did the Middle East reinvent Islam as it reinvented its nationhoods?

I recently came across an article by Hissa Hilal from 2011 on a particular idea of Islam that has come to dominate society. Hissa Hilal may not be famous outside of the Gulf region, however she is the first female… Continue Reading →

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