AHC-AD 140X: A course curation

Tag Identity

The incredible dance of Sheema Kermani

The incredible dance of Sheema Kermani    As Sheema Kermani graciously swiped the air with her palms and gently touched the floor with her bare feet, I could not help but wonder about the connection of her rhetoric and the… Continue Reading →

John O’Brien: Growing Up Muslim in America

Assistant Professor of Social Research and Public Policy John O’Brien has an upcoming book titled “Growing Up Muslim in America: Culture, Religion, Politics“, which is the result of a three-year ethnographic research with Muslim youth in the United States post-9/11…. Continue Reading →

The power of Costumes

In order to unpack the culture and power of costumes that I saw in Ms. Marvel, I had to go back to Riz Ahmed’s article in The Guardian on being “Typecast as a Terrorist”. I was quite drawn to costume… Continue Reading →

Riz Ahmed and the Politics of Identity: A Double-Edged Sword

I cannot say I fundamentally disagree with Riz Ahmed on the politics of representation of Muslims in the Western world, but I am quite confident when I say that our arguments intermingle like two planets that, perhaps, are not even… Continue Reading →

Identity Politics

  Is the tendency for people of a particular religion, race, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, moving away from traditional broad-based party politics. How a person identifies themselves in detail could make a political statement. For example… Continue Reading →

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