Intro Notes What I aimed to do in this video was juxtapose three very different kinds of ‘activism’ under the overarching theme of feminism. The first being Girls on Bikes who from when I filmed this video to this day continue… Continue Reading →
I am convinced by Aliaa Elmahdy’s revolution undressed Ever since our class discussion on Aliaa Elmahdy’s bold and provocative beginnings, to say the least, I started following her activities on Twitter and short stories on her blog to try to… Continue Reading →
In October of 2016, Noor Tagouri posed for Playboy magazine, as hundreds of women have before her. The controversy? She is a hijabi. Playboy magazine, an institution notorious for the objectification of women’s bodies over the past sixty years, has… Continue Reading →
Huda Sharawi is widely recognized as the mother of Egyptian feminism. She founded the Egyptian Feminist Union in 1923, she was a founding member of the nationalist Wafd Party, and eventually would establish the Arab Feminist Union in 1945. She… Continue Reading →
In studying gnawa rituals, trance culture, and fusion music movements over the past couple weeks, we briefly touched on the legend of Aisha Kandisha. However, given the feminist undertones of our class, I was surprised and disappointed that we did not… Continue Reading →
Aside from the really touching moment at the end of the skype call in which Riz assured us that the place we are meant to be is where we are most uncomfortable, I think the most memorable and striking insight… Continue Reading →
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