AHC-AD 140X: A course curation

Tag authenticity

Questioning cultural authenticity: three case studies

Questioning cultural authenticity: three case studies    This blog portrays my Muslim Popular Culture intervention. The intervention tackles cultural authenticity, as inspired by the class discussion and the “Rebel Music” excerpt on musical authentic identity and regional politics. In an… Continue Reading →

The incredible dance of Sheema Kermani

The incredible dance of Sheema Kermani    As Sheema Kermani graciously swiped the air with her palms and gently touched the floor with her bare feet, I could not help but wonder about the connection of her rhetoric and the… Continue Reading →

Elite Gaze: A Conquistador’s Obsession with the Untouched

Warning: this became a jumbled thought-experiment, and therefore may not prove coherent. Apologies. In class last Monday, we spent a good portion of our Tangier discussion (led wonderfully by Kai, hats off) speaking about ideals of tourism and representation. Focusing on… Continue Reading →

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