AHC-AD 140X: A course curation

Category Knowledge/Power

Questioning cultural authenticity: three case studies

Questioning cultural authenticity: three case studies    This blog portrays my Muslim Popular Culture intervention. The intervention tackles cultural authenticity, as inspired by the class discussion and the “Rebel Music” excerpt on musical authentic identity and regional politics. In an… Continue Reading →

TED Problematics: the case-study of Maysoon Zayid

TED Problematics: the case-study of Maysoon Zayid   I have never been a fan of TED talks. Unless you know exactly who you want to listen to and have done your research about a particular individual, I have found it… Continue Reading →

Discussing intersectionality in academia: approaching women’s rights in the GCC

Discussing intersectionality in academia: approaching women’s rights in the region   As a scholar, I have been quite fascinated with approaching gender and women’s rights in the region. Our class has made me think of an infinity of perspectives one can… Continue Reading →

I am convinced by Aliaa Elmahdy’s revolution undressed

I am convinced by Aliaa Elmahdy’s revolution undressed Ever since our class discussion on Aliaa Elmahdy’s bold and provocative beginnings, to say the least, I started following her activities on Twitter and short stories on her blog to try to… Continue Reading →

Generalizing Muslims: Islamophobia

President Donald J. Trump wants to unite the world against what he calls “Radical Islamic Terrorism”, but by his own admission, he has yet to figure out “what the hell is going” when it comes to why such violence is… Continue Reading →

“Islamophobia is Racism”

#IslamophobiaIsRacism Syllabus Several scholars from various disciplines have recently published the Islamophobia is Racism Syllabus, following syllabi such as the Ferguson Syllabus and Black Islam Syllabus. The syllabus acts as an academic riposte to the anti-Muslim ban, but also countless… Continue Reading →

Post-Trump Stress Disorder

A recent article by KQED — a newspaper from my hometown area back in the the San Francisco Bay — has determined that Muslim children living in the US are experiencing unusually prevalent symptoms of depression and anxiety. The supposed… Continue Reading →

Hizmet: the modern face of the Sufi Ottoman tradition

Hizmet: the modern face of the Sufi Ottoman tradition   Allegra Stratton discusses the role and impact of the first Islamic TV Evangelist Amr Khaled in “Muhajababes”, which strikes me as quite complex in historical depth and political significance and… Continue Reading →

Creativity Comes to Rescue: The Saudi Context

A pop song that hilariously depicts the many ways women are oppressed in Saudi Arabia has racked up more than 2.5 million views on YouTube and angered hardliners in the kingdom. Hwages, created by producer Majed Al Esa of the… Continue Reading →

Urdu Poetry: A different Islam?

There are millions of people who think that our enemy is not only ISIS or the Taliban but Islam itself. It isn’t. Edward Said wrote in an article published immediately after September 11 that there is more than one Islam… Continue Reading →

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