I hate Israel and I’ll say it if they ask me
Even if they murder me or put me in jail

I hate israel eeeeeeeeeeeeh
I love Husni Mubarak cause he has a big heart
if he steps forward, he counts his steps with conscience

I hate Israel and I hate devastation
it (Israel) loves the ruin and hates reconstruction

i love Yasser Arafat and he is precious to me
and the Egyptian population is sad ,the tear is coming and going
i hate Israel
and Shimon and Sharon
and i love Amr Musa and his measured words

what is the fault of these kids that die every day
people holding arms and the other are holding darts
and I hate Israel,and all of us are upset

Quds is important to us
“Dorrah” when he died, the president was sad1
and he said it in the newspaper who accepts the injustice?

I hate Israel and I hate Ehud Barak

all the time Egypt has been holding still and endures a lot
but when it gets upset it withdrew its ambassador
I hate Israel

and ask the blood of the martyr
and ask the one that crossed the harbour in holy October2
and I hate Israel
for south Lebanon
and Quds and Iraq and Syria and the Golan Heights

Credits to the following blog: http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/showthread.php?t=96227

I edited some of the lyrics for clarity.

  1. *Mohamed Al Dorrah is the kid that died in the bosom of his own father in 2010 during “Al intifadha” He can be seen in the video above*
  2. Referring to the “October War” or Yom Kippur War between Egypt and Israel in 1973.