Links to Videos&Interviews&Speeches

Honored Listee of Who’s Who 125 Anniversary issue.

Links to videos, interviews, speeches&articles:
The Internet Archive videos;  1, 2, 3, 4
Recent Contributions (literary criticism @journalism):
-30 years from the miners invasion: Bucharest, June 13-15, 1990
Interviewed by Bianca Schulze–A Magic Journey to Things Past (1/28/2020)
Mirela Roznoveanu in dialog with Aurora Cornu
-ROMANIA: 30 Years after the Fall of Communism Speech delivered at the anniversary of the 30 years from the collapse of communism in Romania. The event was hosted by The Romanian American Chamber of Commerce, the Iuliu Maniu Foundation, the Romanian Television of New York and New York Magazin. The celebration of the 1989 Romanian Revolution and Fall of Communism took place on Saturday, October 26, 2019, 3 PM, at the 3 West Club 51st Street, New York City. This event moderated by Justin Liuba (President of the Iuliu Maniu Foundation) featured Dennis Deletant (historian, Emeritus Professor of Romanian Studies at University College, London, and Visiting Ion Ratiu Professor of Romanian Studies at Georgetown University), Constantin Rauta (NASA expert, former anti-communist dissident), and Mirela Roznoveanu (writer, journalist). See the Romanian version.
–“A Few Notes on Romanian Literature as World Literature”, edited by Mircea Martin, Christian Moraru, and Andrei Terian (New York and London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017), 374 pages. See here the Romanian version published by Caiete Critice, nr. 10, 2018, pp 39-55 Câteva însemnări despre Literatura română ca literatură a lumii.
–VLACHICA- Mountaintops Above a Stormy Sea of Contending Empires. Philologica Jassyensia XIV, nr. 2 (28), 2018, 247–262. The article –a preamble to a historical novel written in English –explains to the English-speaking audiences the history of the Armân population from the south of the Danube, called Vlach, and its relationship with the Valah population from the north of the Danube. It is as well discussed the origin of the Armân language and of other languages from the Oriental Romance Language family. In today’s world, when the original population of the Balkans, from the south of the Danube, Dalmatia, Macedonia (FYROM), etc. called Vlach does not exist on any geographical maps of Europe, this conversation is a necessary restitution act.
–“The Scholar and the Poetry.RSAA, 1:2018.Aerul Depărtării” by Noemi Marin. Bucharest: Tritonic Publishers, 2017.
–“Greece Travelogue (October 4-18, 2017).” IN: RSAA, December 2017.
–“An Accidental Passage to China,” (p. 9) and “Remember: Queen Anne of Romania” (September 18, 1923- August 1, 2016) A Royal “Thank You”, p. 17. The Romanian Studies Association of America (RSAA), Volume 27.2;
–“Lectura, cititor, carte”, Vatra Cultural Magazine (3/21/2017) “Mind, Memory, Metaphor, and Literature”
–LITERATURE AND THE METAPHORIC UNIVERSE IN THE MIND by Nicolae Babuts. (Book review) Transaction Publishers,  2015

Interviews for RTVNY:
Serban Chelariu (Aired 1/12/2020);
Traian Chelariu (about with Serban Chelariu) Part I (Aired 2/23/2020) Part II (Aired 3/1/2020);
-Round-table: 30 Years from the Fall of Communism (Part I aired 11/17/2019) Moderator. Guests: Constantin Rauta and Dennis Deletant; (Part II aired 11/25/2019)
-Valery Oisteanu and the Romanian avant-garde Part I (aired 08/04/2019); Part II (aired 08/16/2019);
Mihai Vinereanu, Uncomfortable truths about Romanian language (aired 07/07/2019)
Matei Varga and the fame of a piano player (aired 06/09/2019) broadcasted on Channel NYCTV-life; WNYE
-Andrei Codrescu Part I (aired 5/5/2019) and Part II (aired 5/12/2019)
Dennis Deletant, Ion Ratiu Visiting Professor of Romanian Studies, Georgetown University, Washington DC; Emeritus Professor, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London. (Aired 2/17/19)
Justin Liuba, President of “Iuliu Maniu” Foundation, NYC (March 8, 2018)
Domnita Dumitrescu; Noemi Marin I; Noemi Marin II; Constantin V. Negoita part I; part II; More at the RTVNY and on Internet Archives        (video archive of notable Americans of Romanian origin):

Old Romanian Fairy Tales @ Salmagundi Art Club, Friday, June 29, 2012
Romanian Fairy Tales Lecture Evening  ICR NY, April 2014.
Interviewed by Bianca Schulze in the Children’s Review
Interview Anca Pedvis with Mirela Roznoveanu
Interview Mariana Sipos with Mirela Roznoveanu part 1
Interview Mariana Sipos with Mirela Roznoveanu part 2
Interview C. V. Negoita with Mirela Roznoveanu 
Serban Chelariu (Aired 1/12/2020);
Traian Chelariu (about with Serban Chelariu) Part I (Aired 2/23/2020) Part II (Aired 3/1/2020);
-Round table: 30 Years from the Fall of Communism// Masa Rotunda la New York (Part I): 30 de Ani de la Caderea Comunismului in Estul Europei 11/17/2019) Moderator. Guests: Constantin Rauta and Dennis Deletant; (Part II):
-Valery Oisteanu and the Romanian avant-garde Part I (aired 08/04/2019); Part II (aired 08/16/2019);
Mihai Vinereanu, Uncomfortable truths about Romanian language (aired 07/07/2019)
Matei Varga and the fame of a piano player (aired 06/09/2019) broadcasted on Channel NYCTV-life; WNYE
-Andrei Codrescu Part I (aired 5/5/2019) and Part II (aired 5/12/2019)
Dennis Deletant, Ion Ratiu Visiting Professor of Romanian Studies, Georgetown University, Washington DC; Emeritus Professor, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London. (Aired 2/17/19)
Justin Liuba, President of “Iuliu Maniu” Foundation, NYC (March 8, 2018)
Domnita Dumitrescu; Noemi Marin I; Noemi Marin II; Constantin V. Negoita part I; part II; More at the RTVNY and on Internet Archives:

Links to Vetiver blog of Romanian-American Writers from New York retrieved in the Wayback machine:*articleID_20306-articles_details.html!2.html
Armânii in the Balkans
Bangalore in ploaie; India I ; India II ;India III ;India IV