First of all, I’d like to thank you for coming in to speak with us in class, discussing a reading with the actual author is something that always excites me.
My first question pertains to the transitional period you mention in graduating from middle school and dodging the typewriter era. How do you think the switch from mechanical and electric typewriters to personal computers changed education? With computers being new to all involved, students and faculty alike, what advantages or disadvantages would such machines afford?
With that above mentioned change well in the past, do you believe that any such shift in technology will occur again? You also mention the paradoxical humanizing quality of technology, and how knowing what writers’ virtual desktops look like, and as displayed by George R. R. Martin, what word processor they use. Do you feel new technologies will continue to trend in a more humanizing, personal, direction? or will technology reach a certain ceiling in such qualities?
Finally, I’m curious to know what other of the “many, many thousands of possible word processing stories” are out there, or at least, what other areas of new media and technology such stories might discuss?