Course Schedule
The activities listed here are due before the next class begins.
9/3: Class: Welcome! “Google Me” and syllabus review.
Home: E-Introductions of your partner posted to the blog. Get your books. Read: Vannevar Bush. “As We May Think.” The Atlantic.
9/8: Class: Present Introductions, discuss blog.
Home: Read E. M. Forster. “The Machine Stops.” (full text online)
9/10: Class: Annotate “The Machine Stops.”
Home: Finish annotations. Read Jason Ponti. “How Authors Write.” MIT Technology Review.
9/15: Class: The History of New Media. Digital Literacy Narratives.
Home: Post narratives by Friday. Read Jussi Parikka.“The Geology of Media.” The Atlantic.
9/17: Class: Defining “new media.” Bring Writer/Designer.
Home: Read Lev Manovich. “What is New Media?” from The Language of New Media. (pages 11-62). Research definitions of “new media,” post summary.
9/22 Class: Present narratives.
Home: Read Kevin Kelly. What Technology Wants. (Introduction – Origins, 1-73).
9/24 Class: Presentations continued.
Home: Read Kevin Kelly. What Technology Wants. (Imperatives – Listen to Tech, 73-175). CHECK YOUR GROUP.
9/29 Class: Library Session. Discussion of midterm.
Home: Read Kevin Kelly. What Technology Wants. (Choosing the Inevitable – Choices, 175- 239) Group 1 post provocations.
10/1 Class: Applying Manovich to the WP Interface. Fishbowl for group 1 (first section of Kelly book). Bring Kelly book and Manovich article.
Home: Finish Kevin Kelly. Group 2 post provocations.
10/6 Class: Fishbowl for group 2. Bring Writer/Designer.
Home: Midterm draft. Read Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451. Part 1.
10/8 Class: Book traces. Bring Writer/Designer.
Home: Post Book Traces reflection/images/discoveries. Continue to read Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451. Work on midterm.
10/13 No Class. Read Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451. Part 2. Post midterm draft by Tuesday night.
10/15 Class: Midterm workshop. Bring paper copies of your midterm draft.
Home: Finish Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451. Post revised midterm by Friday at midnight.
10/20 Class: Fahrenheit 451 debate. Design Fiction/Final assignment.
Home: Read Kari Kraus. “Bibliocircuitry and the Design of the Alien Everyday.” PDF. Post three questions for Dr. Kraus.
10/22 Class: Guest Speaker, Kari Kraus.
Home: Read Margaret Atwood. Oryx and Crake. Parts 1-5. Post provocation. Live tweet!
10/27 Class: Fishbowl. Live tweet!
Home: Read Margaret Atwood. Oryx and Crake. Parts 6-10. Respond/Post provocation. Live tweet!
10/29 Class: Fishbowl. Dystopias. Live tweet!
Home: Finish Margaret Atwood. Oryx and Crake. Parts 11-15. Respond/Post provocation. Live tweet!
11/3 Class: Fishbowl. Live tweet!
Home: Read Katherine Hayles. How We Think. Selection from pdf, 1-19. Optional: How we read.
11/5 Class: Reverse outlining Hayles.
Home: Read Katherine Hayles. How We Think. Selection from pdf, Tech TOC, 85-123. Optional: Chapter 5. Post close readings.
11/10 Class: Comparative Media Studies.
Home: Read Matthew Kirschenbaum. Track Changes. Selection, pdf. Read Sullivan/ Kirschenbaum interview online:
Post a question for Matthew Kirschenbaum by Sunday night, the earlier the better (use tag “Track Changes).
11/12 Class: Guest visit, Matthew Kirschenbaum.
Home: Review Matthew Kirschenbaum. New Mechanisms. Selection, pdf: available under “Readings” and here Write pitch, post by FRIDAY. Read all pitches by Monday.
11/17 Class: Anthony T. Atkins. “Collaborating Online: Digital Strategies for Group Work.” available under “Readings” and here:–collaborating-online.pdf
Choose groups, write contract.
Home: Develop proposal.
11/19 Class: Annotated Bibliographies.
Home: Post 2 annotated bibliography entries. Respond to 4 entries. Work on final project.
11/24 Class: Revision with your group. Bring your proposals to class on paper.
Home: Revise and post proposal by Sunday.
11/26 CLASS CANCELLED. Happy Thanksgiving!
12/1 Class: Designing time. Conferences.
Home: Group work.
12/3 Conferences.
Home: Finish final project.
12/8 Presentations.
12/10 Presentations.