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Timeline Reflection

The year 2000 was an emerging time for the technological world. As I was growing into myself, I had the opportunity to grow with the media surrounding me. At the beginning of my life I was unknown to the wonders that technology would bring me, but I was surprised at the large sense of independence I found.


At the beginning of my life my intake of technology was minimal. The most important stepping-stone into the technological world was my learning to read in junior kindergarten. My increasing confidence in my ability to read books was the basis for an interest in furthering my education as well as fostering a creative mindset from an early age.


As time progressed, modern day technology was incorporated with educational activities in school. I was exposed to Macintosh computers with educational math games. Similar to the confidence I gained by my increasing ability to read, my skills with math and with this Macintosh desktop enabled me to engage with media giving me a greater confidence and thirst for knowledge.



My next major stepping stone in my soon-to-be media filled life was my first cell phone. My world had opened up due to this extra mode of communication. Suddenly, from talking to my friends first hand, I was able to talk to them without actually being with them.  What followed was the world of MSN, and iChat where the functions of my cell phone were matched and my methods of communication doubled. My cell phone usage has changed over the years but its core use of communicating with those I am not with still remains. This revolutionized the way I communicated from a very early age and is a constant form of communication I use on a daily basis.


Lastly, and perhaps the most notable of my media advancements, was my confidence with additional computer programs on my laptop. In 2012 and 2013 I was taught how to use Photoshop and Final Cut Pro to edit my pictures and movies. I was able to reach a previously inaccessible part of technology which enabled my to have more control over my media. I had wanted to learn something so when I had accomplished this I felt comfortable with advanced technology, thus making me feel more in tune with my technological world around me. I used all of my new media knowledge to make a small web series that spoofed the popular reality show The Hills. I created these short videos over a few years and I was extremely proud of the final product. I was able to write, produce, and edit these episodes. This project was a true culmination of my confidence and skills in new media.


Overall, my journey to discovering new media has helped me gain confidence. Not only in the world of media but creatively, academically, and socially. The creation of this timeline was the method of helping me realize this. I had thought the media I used was because I had enjoyed it, but it was much more. I had started to use a cell phone, laptop, Facebook, social media etc. because it was the ‘norm’ around me but each method of communication and technology had helped me develop in a different way. The world of developing media still excites me today, as I am eager to see what each new piece of technology will teach me.

The Machine Stops Human Interaction

Amidst an extremely gripping short story, Forster illuminates a very real conundrum that our society could one day face. The people living in the world of the Machine are deprived of human interaction, an experience they do not seem to miss. Forster describes this world where each individual lives in a honeycomb shaped cubicle where all interaction is done through the Machine. Vashti has complied with all the beliefs that the Machine has instilled onto the people, agreeing that public gatherings are “clumsy” preferring they be replaced by the functions of the Machine. The Machine is filling the void of human connection as described when Kuno isolates himself by leaving his conversation with Vashti. After this Vashti was lonely and needed to see “the light, and the sight of her room, [that] flooded with radiance and [was] studded with electric buttons, [to] revive her.” What I was not able to express in our class discussion was the prominent lack of desire to interact with other humans. Overall, I found that the lack of human interaction in this short story to be hauntingly accurate to the world we live in. Today, some are satisfied by their 500 Facebook friends and do not care for the five real friends they have in their life. As the lack of interest in a physical friendship or connection was clear throughout the short story, I found the ending to be even more touching when Kuno kisses Vashti. Even though this lack of contact is a reality we are living in, the kiss shows that we still long for some sense of personal connection.

Introduction: Kasrah Ghobadi

Kasrah Ghobadi is a first-year student at the Gallatin School for Individualized Study at NYU. Kas, Kasrah’s preferred nickname, is from Vienna, Virginia; a small suburb outside of Washington D.C. This year Kas graduated from George C. Marshall High School in Falls Church, Virginia where he ran for his schools cross-country team. Competing in races during grades 10 and 11, Kas ran 6 races for George C. Marshall.

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Kas, a man with many interests, has liked 213 pages on Facebook ranging from animal conservation pages to pages about NYU.

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This summer Kas was nominated for the ALS ice bucket challenge but never posted a video to confirm that he did indeed dump a bucket of ice water over his head. We can only hope that Kas has chosen to only share this video with a select few… The rest of Kas’ summer was spent at Burke Lake Park in Fairfax County and celebrating his birthday on June 20th by liking his friends Facebook wall posts.

Kas is a popular guy as he lets his friends post pictures about him on his wall. Kas rarely updates his Facebook status, or creates Facebook albums.

Since arriving at NYU Kas has had a seemingly great time! A fan of Maroon 5, Kas camped outside of NBC Studios to see Adam Levine play at the Today Show. In addition, Kas has enjoyed the scenic views of Washington Square Park at night with a friend.

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 This semester Kas is a part of the Gallatin First Year Writing Seminar Thinking and Writing Through New Media where he, along with his classmates, will seek to find out more about the technology that surrounds us. Want to learn more about Kas? Keep checking this blog for the duration of the fall semester for more postings from the man himself.