1.) In the case of The Hollow it would be easy for a reader to miss mot of the plot should they not cut open the book. If someone where to not discover this aspect of the work but finished feeling satisfied, could they be considered wrong? On page 90 it is mentioned how many readers like to set the mood when they open a book, are some moods better than others? Is there a right way to experience a book?
2.) MaKey MaKey offers very interesting addition to print media in its ability to deepen or enhance the reading experience. However, some of these additions, though optional in their usage can be seen as distracting. Do you view such augments distracting from the original text? or simply as a way of enhancing the experience?
3.) On page 94 Samuel and McGan are quoted as saying “the interpretive question is not ‘what does the poem mean?’ but ‘how do we release or expose the poem’s possibilities of meaning?’” Do you believe that any one work can have a single meaning?