Peer Workshop
The purpose of this workshop is to improve your writing on both the global, and local levels. This means you are not only correcting grammar and mechanics, but content as well. Read your partner’s paper twice. On the first reading, DO NOT make any corrections. Just read the paper and take in the story in the same way you would as if you were reading an academic article. On the second reading, answer the following questions:
- What is the point of this paper? What is the thesis? Does the thesis clearly reflect the point? Is the thesis a claim that argues the author’s opinion on the subject of the paper, or a statement of fact?
- Is there evidence of research in this paper? Are the sites reliable? Are the sources clearly cited? Check the works cited page, are the sources listed there as well?
- Does the author utilize summary, paraphrase and quotation? Do they over use any particular device? Have the quotations been properly incorporated?
- Are the supporting points clear, relevant, and well organized? Would it benefit the reader to re-organize this essay?
- Highlight or underline examples of good, compelling details in the paper. Are there any instances where the author could use more detail? Less?
- What point(s) in this essay were you most convinced by? Why? What did you learn from reading this essay?
- What suggestions for improvement can you offer to the writer? Identify the weaknesses and help consider corrections.
- Did the use of multimedia enhance the writer’s argument. Can the author incorporate more/less media in effective ways?
- Finally, alert the reader to any spelling, grammar and mechanical errors they made.
Now switch papers! Ask me if you have any questions.