Kunde, Brian. “A Brief History of Word Processing (Through 1986) / by Brian Kunde.” A Brief History of Word Processing (Through 1986) / by Brian Kunde. Stanford University, Dec. 1986. Web. 22 Nov. 2014.
This article was written by a college student at Foothills college in California. Brian Kunde, the author, worked at the Stanford University library for 26 years and is currently a library specialist. The author wrote this article to take the reader through the history of word processing and demonstrate how the need for a word processor arose. From the first moveable type in the middle ages to the typewriter that arose in 1872 to the more advanced word processors of the 60’s and 70s, Kunde demonstrates the evolution of the word processor. In a non-biased article, Kunde demonstrates to the reader, whom I assume is an educated college student, how the word processor has evolved.
The article is well-written and details many different technologies/examples of the word processor. However, the article could include more detail about technologies such as the invention of moveable type. The information in this article helps our research paper in that it takes us through the development of moveable type. However, the material isn’t as pertinent as it could be since the article was written in 1986. The article is a good starting ground for our research, but we will definitely need to do more.