For Kevin Kelly’s What Technology Wants, you will be leading the class discussion in two groups. If your last name begins with A-K, you are Group 1 and if your last name begins with M-V you are in Group 2 for the Kevin Kelly “fishbowls”. I will explain this activity in class.
Group 1 will need to post a response to the first section (this includes the text from Part 1: Origins and Part 2: Imperatives in the book) of Kevin Kelly’s book by September 29th at midnight . This response should highlight two main points that you must summarize and then analyze for the class (hint, use direct quotes). I suggest focusing on one point you agree with, and one you find problematic. Your post must end in a discussion question for your classmates. If you are in group 2, you must respond to at least two of these discussion questions by class time on Wednesday.
Group 2 will then post on the second half of the book (Part 3: Choices, and Part 4: Directions) by Oct 3rd at midnight. Group 1 must respond to two of those provocations by class time on the 6th.
Remember, I have posted the grading rubric for your posts here:
This is reflected in our adjusted schedule.