This is my Timeline. You can find it by following the link.

Making this timeline was like cooking in the middle of the night. You wake up at 2 am and want some pizza, throw a frozen one you got at CVS 3 days ago, accidentally fall asleep, wake up an hour later in a panic because you remember the pizza, and then you realize you never turned on the oven. The reason I say this is because going through my day I would just remember super important stuff that I forgot to put in there. Stuff that clearly had an impact on me that I just sort of forgot. Like the fact that I have to relate everything to frozen pizza.

Like with all presentations, I had to make it fun. Not necessarily while working on it, but for the future when I’m presenting it. Everyone in class is required to listen to me talk for 5 minutes, so I may as well make it fun. I realized through this timeline that everything I have done prepares me for delivering information in an entertaining way. My brother and dad both have ADHD, and are also the most hilarious people I know. So I had to keep their attention, through jokes and being interesting. An uninteresting person can only fake being interesting for so long. I’ve grown up in an environment where being entertaining is a survival skill. I don’t really have the physique of someone who can afford to not have a personality. I hope the presentation reflects that.

Here is a link. I bet it will take you somewhere, preferably on the interenet:

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