DLTS provides a self-publishing service for finding aids created by the archives and special collections at NYU, the New-York Historical Society, and the Center for Brooklyn History. Over 1,400 finding aids can be searched and viewed through our Finding Aids portal. DLTS also creates high-quality digital versions of some collections:
- Al Qassim Family Collection
- The Yasser Alwan Collection
- Asian CineVision Records
- Bartlett Medieval Manuscript Fragments
- Beyond the Pale
- Estela and Ernesto Bravo Film and Video Collection
- Camp Kinderland Records
- Center for Ballet and the Arts
- College de la Sainte Famille Collection
- Coca Crystal Video Recordings and Papers
- Exit Art Archive
- Samir Farid Collection
- Fifteenth International Brigade Photographic Unit Photograph Collection
- Robert Flaherty Film Seminar Archive
- Adele Fournet Papers on the Bit Rosie Web Series
- Gately Family Photographs
- Gay Cable Network
- Gay U.S.A.
- John Gerassi Oral History Collection
- Mahmoud Hammad Collection
- Alger Hiss Records
- Records of the Institute of Afro-American Affairs
- International Brigades Archive, Moscow
- Iraq and Kurdistan – compiled by an RAF serviceman
- Irish America County Societies Collection
- Sir William Jones Manuscripts
- Judson Memorial Church Archive
- Hisham Khatib Collection
- Hisham Khatib Collection: RAF in Egypt
- Hisham Khatib Collection: Iraq, Egypt, Yemen
- Hisham Khatib Collection: Mediterranean Pilgrimage Association
- Hisham Khatib Collection: A Tour of Palestine
- Hisham Khatib Collection: S.S. Luetzow Travelogue
- Tuli Kupferberg and Sylvia Topp Papers
- League for Political Education scrapbook
- Markazi Collection
- David Miller Oral Histories
- Mendez Mural Community Garden Archive
- Mick Moloney Irish-American Music and Popular Culture Irish Americana Collection
- Jane Conlon Muller Oral History Collection
- Ahmad Nawash Collection
- New York City Immigrant Labor History Project Oral History Collection
- New York University Archives Collection of Late 19th Century Photographic Materials
- Daniel Nilva Negatives
- Zaki Nusseibeh Collection
- NYU Historic Photos and Drawings Collection
- Ernie O’Malley Papers
- Orientreise 1898
- Paper Tiger TV Archives
- Frances Patai Oral Histories
- The Penumbra Foundation Collection of Digitized Photography Manuals
- Jerome K. and Ora Engelberg Percus Papers
- Poly Historic Photos
- Poly Portraits
- Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn General Chemistry Kit
- Poster and Broadside Collection
- Sam Reiss Negatives
- Coatlicue from Jeusa Rodriguez Papers
- Sailors’ Snug Harbor Collection
- Sabbateni Collection of Renaissance Music Manuscripts
- Rabbi Schneier Collection
- Robert Steck Audio Recordings
- Spanish Civil War Poster Collection
- Sylvester Manor Archive
- Salah Taher Collection
- Atif Toor Collection on the South Asian Lesbian and Gay Association (SALGA)
- Turkish Collection
- United Automobile Workers of America, District 65 Photographs
- Washington Square Photo Collection
- The journals and contact sheets of David Wojnarowicz
- Zeitgeist Gallery Records
- Audio and video from the Howard Zinn Papers