This series explores young people’s day-to-day lives and futures. The volumes consider changes at the intersection of civil and political reform, transformations in employment and education, and the growing presence of digital technologies in all aspects of social, cultural and political life.
Enhanced Networked Monographs
A collaboration between NYU Press and Digital Library Technology Services, Enhanced Networked Monographs (ENM) is an experimental open access publishing project funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The ENM Topic Explorer provides free, web-based access to selected eBooks from…
The books in the Keywords series collect essays by authors across the humanities and social sciences, with each essay focusing on a single term and set of debates. The Keywords website provides access to online essays selected from each of…
Open Square
Open Square is NYU Press’s platform for publishing and reading open access books. A browser-based reading platform, Open Square enables us to increase the impact of scholarly work by making it freely available in a digital format and to experiment with new ways of presenting scholarship and adding enhanced content to traditionally published books.