Optimal Pulse Shapes and Optimization Code
- Shapes from:
J.-S. Lee, R. R. Regatte, A. Jerschow, Optimal excitation of 23Na nuclear spins with residual quadrupolar coupling in the presence of quadrupolar relaxation, J. Chem. Phys., 131, 2009, 174501. DOI: 10.1063/1.3253970, http://link.aip.org/link/?JCP/131/174501.
Shape files 1: Pf1_Qonly: Pf1-XXXtYYY-ZZZZhWWWW is a pulse shape with duration XXX.YYYY times 1/fQ with fQ = 205 Hz; ZZZZ.WWWW is the peak amplitude in kHz.
Shape files 2: Pf1_QuadRelax Pf1-tXXXX-hYYYY is a pulse with duration XX times 0.1/fQ with fQ = 205 Hz; YYYY Hz is the peak amplitude. - Shapes from:
J.-S. Lee, R. R. Regatte, A. Jerschow, Optimal control NMR differentiation between fast and slow sodium, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2010, 494, 331-336 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cplett.2010.06.019.
Shape files: Agar_Na_Contrast: Agar_Iz_XXXXms_YYYYHz is a pulse with XXXXms duration, and YYYY peak in Hz. - Optimization Code and Shapes:
Boris Kharkov, Leonard Strouk, Thomas E. Skinner, Alexej Jerschow, Optimal control RF pulses for excitation and suppression of NMR signals in a conductive medium, J. Chem. Phys. 2018, 149, 034201, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5031154
Optimization Code
(for questions about the code, please contact Boris Kharkov at kharkov@nyu.edu)
The shape files are in Bruker shape format, but since this is in ASCII it’s easy to import into other programs. The are listed as relative amplitude between 0 and 100 and phase in degrees.