Avoid Tax Scams

(co-author: Rebecah Huang) Cybercriminals pose a threat year-round, but the risks of your personal and sensitive information being stolen around this time of year increase significantly with tax related scams. As April 15th approaches, keep the following best practices in mind.  One way to actively reduce risk is to file your taxes early. This prevents […]

Welcome to CSAM 2023!

Cybersecurity Awareness Month (CSAM) celebrates its 20th year anniversary this month. CSAM’s continuing objective is to empower a more secure globally interconnected world. There’s (always!) more work to do. As the threat landscape continues to change and evolve, technologies designed to protect us must also change and  evolve, laws and regulations are passed or changed, […]

Sidestep Holiday Scams

Scams are especially abundant at this time of year, and may show up in various ways, including delivery notifications, deals which are too good to be true, charitable contribution solicitations, gift card scams in which someone requests your assistance with the purchasing gift cards and requests the redemption code on the back of each card, […]

Snapshot: the current phishing landscape

  During the 4th week of CSAM, the focus is on phishing, which is a type of social engineering scam that can take many forms including, but not limited to, email, SMS text messages, phone calls, social media updates, and web pop-ups or ads. The intent of social engineers is likely the theft of sensitive […]

Protecting Your Data

“Data Protection is the Force Behind Our Right to Privacy” -Varonis During Week 3 of CSAM, the emphasis is on your awareness and use of security tools and best practices. In the spirit of our week 3 focus, we offer the following recommendations to secure both you and NYU and #KeepNYUCyberSecure.  Anti-malware software – use […]

January 28th is Data Privacy Day!

January 28th is Data Privacy Day (DPD)! DPD is an international event that educates end users on the importance of safely managing personal information and spreads awareness about privacy, especially online.  Data privacy includes how a user’s personal information is shared with third party services online. Personal information encompasses full name, date of birth, medical […]

Shop Securely Online This Holiday Season

With the holidays fast approaching, make sure to that your shopping online safely. For tips on how to spot fake online stores, scammers on legitimate sites and online payment best practices, please see the following SANS newsletter: Shopping Online Securely. 

Securely Using Your Mobile Devices

During the final week of CSAM, the call to action is “Cybersecurity First” or to keep cybersecurity in the forefront of our minds as we buy, set-up and use new devices, create new passwords, and review default privacy and security settings. To further the goal of “Cybersecurity First, we are sharing the following tips from […]

Spotting Disinformation on Social Media

“You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts”   – Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan Disinformation is a form of social engineering that aims to play on emotions, and to deceive, mislead and divide people. The goals of malicious actors may be varied, and include creating chaos and doubt […]

Fight the Ransomware Phish!

What is ransomware?  Ransomware is a type of malware and an increasingly common and highly destructive cyber threat. Once a single system or device is infected, ransomware spreads quickly to other connected systems and mounted devices.  Ransomware is used to target individuals, corporations, universities, hospitals, utility companies, cities and nation-states. Ransomware encrypts data and locks […]