Share with care, NYU Google Drive

We have received reports of access requests being made by individuals from outside of NYU, for NYU Drive documents. With respect to these types of requests, please be reminded not to share your NYU Drive content unless the specific request you receive is expected or unless you have contacted the requesting party via a trusted means of communication and determined that the request is both legitimate and appropriate. If the requesting party is an NYU community member, please remind them to authenticate to their NYU Google Drive account before making an access request. See the following example for the telltale signs that the request is coming from a non NYU Gmail account.

Email Header: 

Image of email header showing an email coming from versus


Email Body: 

Image of a share request from a address with a warning that the requestor is outside of your organization


Please be reminded to regularly check your content share settings to make sure that it’s properly shared, meaning, only the people who should have access do have access, and they have been granted the correct role (Viewer, Commenter, Editor). Note that you can also specify a duration or an access expiration date for a specific user.