COVID-19 Fraud Alert

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of the Inspector General, has issued a COVID related Fraud Alert  and Barracuda reports a 521% spike in COVID-19 related phishing from October 2021 to January 2022. The goals of the scammers appear to be stealing sensitive information, including medicare information in order to perpetrate fraud or steal your identity. Scammers have reportedly been utilizing the following platforms & methods to trick you:

  • Telemarketing calls, text messaging, social media platforms, email, testing sites and in person visits. 

Beware of: 

  • Any testing site requiring payment or medical information.
  • Links or attachments in unexpected emails.
  • Scammers posing as medical professionals who are contacting you regarding test results or vaccination, as well as unexpected calls or visitors discussing COVID vaccines, tests or supplies.
  • Scammers posing as contact tracers who ask for medical or financial information or seek to set up a test. 
  • Unapproved and illegitimate medical supplies. Purchase FDA approved masks, testing kits and other medical items from known/trusted sellers only. 
  • COVID survey scams, which may offer rewards for your participation. 
  • Ads for testing or treatment on social media sites. Do not click on these ads or any COVID related web pop-ups. If you sign up for a test online, confirm the legitimacy of the site via a government website. 
  • Sharing your vaccination card on social media. These cards contain your personal information which can be used by malicious actors for identity theft and fraud.