Warnings of Imminent Russian Cyber Attacks

With the mounting geo-political tensions between Russia and Ukraine, and the threat of sanctions being imposed by the U.S., Governor Kathy Hochul has issued a statement warning New Yorkers to be mindful of possible Russian cyber attacks on their personal accounts. Additionally, Governor Hochul and Federal officials have called on businesses to prepare for potential […]

The Hidden Costs Associated With Free Use

  Aside from personal privacy concerns, both your personal data and NYU data has value and should be protected. Realize that there are hidden costs associated with freeware (free software), which may take the form of personal information collected about you, that can be analyzed and monetized by malicious actors, data brokers, researchers/product developers, businesses, […]

Beware of LinkedIn Slinks!

What is a LinkedIn Slink? A Slink is a Linkedin smart link, which consists of a “clean” Linkedin URL that when clicked, redirects you to another site. LinkedIn offers this redirect feature to customers who opt to market through LinkedIn, because Slinks provide businesses with the ability to track their ad campaigns. However, malicious actors […]

COVID-19 Fraud Alert

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of the Inspector General, has issued a COVID related Fraud Alert  and Barracuda reports a 521% spike in COVID-19 related phishing from October 2021 to January 2022. The goals of the scammers appear to be stealing sensitive information, including medicare information in order to perpetrate fraud […]