Voice Recording Privacy Update

Apple has issued a formal apology for retaining inadvertently triggered Siri voice assistant recordings, and has pledged:  that they will no longer retain audio recordings of users speaking to their voice assistants, rather they will rely on the computer generated transcripts of these interactions.  Make analysis of voice recordings opt-in only, with user ability to […]

Microsoft Credential Theft via “Unusual sign-in activity” Emails

Please be advised that “Unusual sign-in activity” email alerts purporting to be from Microsoft are being used to steal user credentials. Emails in this campaign tend to look almost identical to legitimate Microsoft alerts and even use the same legitimate sender address: “account-security-noreply@accountprotection.microsoft.com”. What differs is what occurs when you click the “Review recent activity”  […]

“Unsubscribe” Confirmation Alert

Please be advised of an email unsubscribe confirmation scam in which “Confirm your unsubscribe request”  appears in the subject line. The body of the email will likely contain an unsubscribe button and generic text. The goal of this phishing campaign is to collect working email addresses to use in other attacks. It is also advisable […]

New Imposter Gift Card Scam Targeting Worshipers

The FTC has issued an advisory on a new imposter scam variant in which scammers are pretending to be religious leaders, such as rabbis, priests, imams, etc., seeking gift card contributions for worthy causes. These forged communications most commonly arrive via email messages, but may also arrive via text messages or phone calls.  Scammers typically […]

Capital One Data Breach

The recent Capital One data breach has reportedly exposed the personal information of 106 million credit card customers and applicants in the U.S.and Canada. From individual and small business applications filed between 2005 and early 2019, breached information includes, but is not limited to:  Names Dates of Birth Addresses Phone Numbers Credit card holder breached […]