New Facebook Tech Support Scam

A new type of imposter scam using Facebook’s Sharer dialog, has been detected. Facebook’s Sharer dialog is typically used by website owners to share content on Facebook. This scam tricks users into thinking there is a problem with their account and that they need to call one of the provided phone numbers to resolve it. […]

Imposter Scams

Imposter scams take various forms, but what they all have in common is that a scammer poses as someone you know and attempts to obtain personal or sensitive information from you. Scammers may pose as someone you know personally or someone in a shared group or organization, such as your place of employment, or someone […]

Gift Card Scams

Please be advised that gift card scams are on the rise. In these types of scams social engineers commonly pose as a trusted contact – an executive, a faculty member, the president of an institution or organization .  . . etc., and request that you purchase gift cards in connection with a fundraiser, charity or […]

Evernote 6.15 for Windows Upgrade Advisory

A cross-site scripting (XXS) vulnerability has been discovered in version 6.15 of Evernote for Windows. This vulnerability can be leveraged to run programs remotely on a victim’s computer. Specifically, a malicious actor could embed a link that loads malicious script in the file name of an image inside of a note, and send it to […]

Apache Struts Upgrade Advisory

Users and Admins of Apache Struts 2.3.36 and prior versions are advised to immediately upgrade to 1.3.3, which is the latest version of the Commons FileUpload Library. This upgrade address a remote code execution vulnerability. Please note that versions 2.5.12 and subsequent versions are not impacted. For more information, please see the following Apache security […]

Shop Safely This Holiday Season & Beyond

  The holiday season is the ideal time for cybercriminals to take advantage of unsuspecting or inattentive online shoppers. Protect your purchases, your sensitive information, your devices and the the data stored thereon by making sure these precautions are part of your online shopping habits: Regularly patch/update all of your devices – this is a […]