Update 5/16/2017 Re: WannaCry (also known as WannaCrypt, WanaCrypt0r 2.0, and Wanna Decryptor) Malware/Ransomware

Most critical to combating this strain of malware is to patch your Windows machine to the most current level. Refer to: http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB4012598 or http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB4012212 to find the appropriate patch level for your operating system.  This is especially important if you are running a version of Windows which is no longer supported, like XP or Windows […]

New Ransomware exploits MS vulnerability, spreading quickly

Update #2: May 15, 2017 Ransomware worm that takes advantage of a vulnerability in the Windows operating system remains a threat. Please see the below PDF for a copy of an urgent security alert message from NYU CIO Len Peters. This message, relating to steps you should take to protect the data on Windows computers from the […]

Widespread Phishing Attack on Google Docs

Beware of Emails Saying Someone Wants to Share a Google Doc with You A phishing attack has been deployed at many universities (and possibly beyond) that use Google. You may see a message purporting to share a Google Doc with you that comes from someone you know.  It shows you a button to click. DO […]

SANS Video of the Month – Passphrases

For tips on how to create passphrases (strong passwords), and for information on password managers, use of 2 factor authentication and more, watch this 3 minute and 43 second video from SANS. This video will be available throughout the month of May. https://youtu.be/-8miO1vcFBE For information on NYU Multi-Factor Authentication, please click here.  For more information […]

Are your NYU Drive files correctly shared?

As a best practice, it is highly recommended that you share your NYU Drive files only as broadly as necessary to avoid the unintended disclosure of data. Please follow these quick and easy steps to ensure your files are shared correctly and securely: To confirm the share settings of existing NYU Drive files, use the […]