Locky Ransomware Alert

Ransomware dubbed “Locky” is spreading via email, in the form of a Word file attached to e-mail messages.  Locky email is translated to various languages and localized by region.  E-mails with this type of ransomware may look something like (*click images to enlarge):   Once the Word attachment is opened, users see scrambled content and […]

Google Chrome Safe Browsing Technology

Google Chrome is now using Safe Browsing technology to protect browsers from shady websites or deceptive advertising on legitimate sites.  This initiative by Google addresses the threat of social engineering, which could involve: deceptive download buttons an ad on a legitimate website pretending to offer an update a warning claiming the system is out of […]

Gmail – New Authentication Features Make it Easier to Identify Email To/From Unsecured Connections

*Please note that these new features are currently available in free Gmail accounts, and are not yet available in Google Apps for Education. Google has announced new authentication features for Gmail which will make it easier to identify emails that arrive from,  or are being sent to unsecured or unencrypted connections.  Emails arriving from unsecured […]

Dell Security Phishing Self Assessment

The following is a Dell Security phishing self assessment tool which will allow you to test, and hopefully refine your phishing detection skills and knowledge. Once you click the link below, you will be presented with ten sample e-mails in succession.  You will have the opportunity to  mark each as “Legitimate’ or “Phishing”.  Upon completion, […]