Henry Rusinek

Henry Rusinek, PhD.
Professor, Radiology Department
New York University
Center for Biomedical Imaging, rm 413
660 First Avenue, NY NY 10016

Rapid advances in medical imaging expanded our knowledge of the structure and function of the human body. Our main goal is to develop tools for image-based measurements and modeling of physiological parameters. Examples include: (a) association of body composition measured on CT with the severity of Covid-19, (b) brain’s clearance pathways measured with dynamic PET, (c) multi-compartmental models of the kidney based on dynamic MR imaging, (d) optimization of arterial spin labeling to measure hippocampal perfusion, (e) characterization of lesions in terms of image texture.


henry_web_site_figureFiltration of vascular contrast by the human kidney. In vivo dynamic MRI detects the passage of contrast material from renal cortex (2nd panel) to the medulla (3rd panel) and renal pelvis (4th panel). These dynamic MR images are analyzed using a compartmental model of the vascular-nephron system. NYU Radiology and its Center for Biomedical Imaging are leaders in the field of abdominal MR and CT imaging.