The Global Liberal Studies academic network consists of three interlinked components:
- Your personal profile site in WordPress – where you are now. We’ve included some profile questions on the Profile Page to get you started, but feel free to customize this personal space in whatever way you like by adding pages, posts, pictures, etc. Be aware that this page is open to view by all members of the NYU community. Your profile page includes links to the other two components of the network, the GLS Virtual Commons and your individual Google Portfolio. We encourage you to change the header image on your site to make it more your own.
- The GLS Global Commons. This is a WordPress site where all GLS students share posts and comments, starting with responses to a question about your own experiences of globalization and to the summer reading. New questions will appear periodically. Find out what your peers are thinking and make your own statement. Be aware that this page is open to view by all members of the NYU community. It contains links to all GLS profile sites and through them to each student’s Google Portfolio in the Directory Page .
- Your Google Portfolio. All Global Liberal Studies students use a Google Portfolio throughout their four years in the program to save and organize material from their courses, internships, experiential learning placements, and global experiences. Among other benefits, material in this Portfolio will help you choose your concentration and aid in the construction of your Senior Thesis. The GLS Portfolio is by default private to you and your GLS instructors/advisors; you may at your own discretion choose to share it or particular files in it more broadly.
Using NYU-WordPress
This site is visible only to the NYU community, and you have the role of “Administrator.” This means you can edit the site appearance, add blog posts and pages, manage privacy settings, and configure plugins. For more information on user roles and access, see this page.
Instructions for creating a blog post:
- Log in to your site using your NYU credentials
- Once logged in, Go to New → Post (found at the top); alternatively, you can go to the Dashboard, and click Post → New.
- Enter a title and details for your post. You can embed a variety of media (text, images, videos). Click here to see step by step instructions for adding multimedia.
- You can upload media (pdfs, docs, images) with the Upload media option. You can also link to it if it lives in Google Drive (be sure to have the appropriate permissions so that your audience can view your content).
- Enter an excerpt that summarizes what your posts about (optional).
- If you are using tags, fill in a descriptor or several descriptors that describe your post.
- Be sure to upload a featured image (under “Set Featured Image”) that represents your post.
- Click the “Publish” button.
The instructions for creating a page are the same as those for creating a blog post, except in Step 2 you will go to New→ Page or Dashboard → Pages → Add New. Once you have created a page, you will want to add it to your navigation menu.
For help with using NYU-WordPress, contact or see NYU IT’s help documentation.
Using Your Google Drive Portfolio
Your Portfolio uses the Folder feature in Google Drive, one of NYU’s Google Apps for Education. You can simply drag and drop material into the Portfolio folder, and you can also create sub-folders within your main Portfolio folder.
Your Liberal Studies Portfolio is intended to be shared with your advisors and professors to help them get a sense of your interests and development; it extends education beyond and across classes. You may share folders, sub-folders, or individual items with other individuals or groups at your discretion; see this page for more information about sharing and permissions in Google Drive.
GLS Portfolios are owned by the student; access is managed both by the student and by an LS administrative account. Both students and the administrative account can add members to the group.
Members of the Google group (ie, people who automatically have access to the student’s folder) are:
- administrative account
- GLS Advisors
- GLS Faculty
The following course instructors may make particular use of the portfolio:
- In the case of first-year students, the Global Writing Seminar instructor
- In the case of sophomores, the Approaches instructor
- In the case of juniors, the JIRS and EXL instructors
- In the case of seniors, the Senior Colloquium instructor
- Instructors in other GLS courses will be added to the portfolio on a by request basis
For further help using Google, check out these Google Drive support pages:
- Google Drive Basics
- NYU IT Page on Google Drive
- Google’s Drive Help Page [Note: you do not need to buy more space to upload more than 15Gb to your NYU google drive account]
Or email: