Justin Park

GAF 2022 Student Leadership Team  Artists Events Installation Views

Seeing Sight (Film)

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Seeing Sight is my effort to take a reflexive stance on our act of seeing and its determination of the seen and the unseen. The viewer’s and the subject’s sight of one another is mediated by a face mask positioned in between them. The subject’s eyes, captured while sitting in his place of comfort and familiarity, are projected onto the surface of the mask. The projection bleeds through the mask’s thin layer to be seen by the subject from behind the mask. The mask keeps the subject at a safe remove by detaching his exterior eyes from his body and covering his exterior sight with a memory of serenity. From the camera’s external position to the mask, the viewer’s recognition of the subject rests on the subject’s actions in response to his reassuring sight. The subject’s face behind his exterior eyes remains unseen by the viewer. The video medium becomes a conduit for the interaction between the three sets of eyes: the eyes on the mask, the eyes of the moving subject, and the eyes of the viewer.

Special thanks to Nina Katchadourian, Eve Meltzer, Chang Park, and Victor Pang.

Justin Park  (he/him)

Justin Park S.E. is a film director, editor, and video artist located in New York. Born in Korea, Justin also lived in China for 10 years before moving to the United States in 2014. Exposure to a variety of perspectives has been foundational to Justin’s interdisciplinary approach to his art-making process. Justin is currently a senior at Gallatin concentrating in Reality and Fantasy. His studies mainly lie in the fields of psychoanalysis and visual studies. He is interested in exploring the function and the role of art in the minds of the viewer and the artist.