“Roundtable is a short drama set in a recognizable yet undefined space and time. It is centered around three characters locked in a discursive stalemate. The stakes? Their kingdom and the lives of its citizens. I hope that Roundtable will not only be emotionally impactful but also thought-provoking, and that audiences open themselves up to the magic of Roundtable and take it not only as it is but also as a reflection of our world.”
Joshua Gilmore (They/He/She) is a senior in Gallatin from Atlanta, GA, with a concentration that explores how Blackness is portrayed in on screen narratives with a particular focus on TV. The central question of his work is: How can one portray Black people in a way that offers full humanity without being hyper resistant to stereotypes and/or hyper reliant on super negro counter-stereotypes? Much of Joshua’s artistic exploration focuses on trying to write Black people as completely and complexly as possible. Good and Evil and Right and Wrong are of no importance. He hopes to follow in the footsteps of people like Toni Morrison and Shonda Rhimes while simultaneously charting his own path.
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