Isabella Florence


“DISORDERED is a dramatization of my relationship with my body, a lifelong relationship defined fundamentally by race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and—above all—food. For as long as I’ve been alive, my relationship with food has been somewhat flawed, somewhat troubled, somewhat…well…disordered. Whether manifesting as chaotic binging, full-blown anorexia, or a quiet but potent obsession, food has long been my “enemy.” DISORDERED explores my relationship with food and its intersections with my other identities, particularly whiteness. What does it mean to “nourish” a white body in a white supremacist society? What does it mean to repair the harm I’ve done to my body, when I have not repaired the harm my European ancestors did to people they abused, enslaved, and stole land from? I play 16 characters in the show. The task is that of transformation from one character to the next. I had typed “fluid” before “transformation,” but then I deleted it—because maybe they won’t be fluid. Maybe they will be clunky and awkward and arduous and slow. That’s okay. The transformations in the show are practice for the “real thing” – the transformation of my relationships with food, my body, and the ground I walk upon.”

Photograph of the artistBIO:

Bella Florence is a proud alum of the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts (Musical Theatre, 2017) and soon-to-be alum of the Gallatin School at NYU.  Her interdisciplinary storytelling concentration, “All My Selves: The Creative Collective Within,” is inspired by dramatist Jose Rivera’s “36 Assumptions About Playwriting,” one of which states, “Good playwriting is a collaboration between your many selves. The more multiple your personalities, the further, wider, and deeper you will be able to go.” DISORDERED: a one-white-wom(x)n show about anorexia, food addiction, white supremacy, & other bullshit, i mean, disorder is essentially her concentration’s “capstone.” Bella’s background includes acting, singing, rhythm tap dance, directing, solo performance, playwriting, and prose writing. She loves storytelling of all kinds but identifies primarily as a performer & dramatist. Favorite quote: “Be prepared to risk your entire reputation every time you write, otherwise it’s not worth your audience’s time” -Jose Rivera.