Tali Weinberg

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October 30 – Nov 26, 2024

“Heartwood,” Tali Weinberg’s first New York solo exhibition, brings together weavings and sculptures made between 2020 and 2024 that investigate multidimensional relationships between humans and trees, particularly the interconnected harms extraction and rising temperatures inflict on us both. Here, trees are life-sustaining circulatory systems and bodies of knowledge, while also present as discarded paper and materialized as the buildup of toxic chemicals in our bodies and ecosystems. Silhouettes of endangered tree species are suspended as gauzy shrouds woven from plastic and plant fibers in forms that resemble lungs, arteries, and roots. Thousands of tourniquets—expired, petrochemical-derived waste once intended to slow bleeding—are coiled into colorful tree rings. Snaking vines of petrochemical-derived medical tubing are bound together with color-coded climate data. And issues of New York Times Magazines are shredded, spun, and woven into tactile color fields to metabolize the climate and health crises featured in their pages.

Tali Weinberg is an interdisciplinary artist and weaver. Her sculptures, textiles, and drawings attend to the interconnected harms extraction inflicts on humans and the earth, from rising temperatures and species loss to illness and displacement. Combining plant-dyed threads, plastics, wastepaper, data, and found text, her work retraces and reimagines relationships between corporeal and ecological bodies and between grief and futurity. No matter the final form or material, Weinberg draws on weaving as a language of intersecting structures and systems through which she can investigate systems and structures in the world, exploring how people, places, pollution, and politics shape each other. Weinberg’s art is in the collections of the Berkeley Art Museum, the Georgia Museum of Art, and the Denver Botanic Gardens and is exhibited internationally, including at Griffith Art Museum (Australia), Zhejiang Art Museum (China), 21C Museum (Oklahoma City), University of Colorado Boulder Art Museum, Center for Craft (Asheville, NC), and Dreamsong (Minneapolis, MN). Her artwork has been featured in the Fifth National Climate Assessment, the New York Times, Colossal, National Resource Defense Council’s onEarth Magazine, American Craft, and Ecotone, among others. She is the recipient of an Illinois Artist Fellowship, Tulsa Artist Fellowship, Serenbe Fellowship, Windgate Fellowship to Vermont Studio Center, a residency at New York’s Museum of Art and Design, and grants from the Puffin Foundation and Illinois Arts Council. Weinberg received her MFA from California College of the Arts and an interdisciplinary MA and BA from New York University. She currently lives and works in Champaign-Urbana, IL.

Instagram: @tali.weinberg
