Hana Anwar

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Art, Activism and Interconnected Struggles

A section of the wall, flanked by large windows that shows views of the street and scaffolding, is covered by posters, stickers, photos, zines of various sizes. The words "FREE PALESTINE" and similar slogans are visible on many displayed objects, including a black t-shirt with a print of Palestine's national flag. In front of the wall is a TV set on a black pedestal, placed horizontally. On the TV screen is the drawn outline of a woman in profile, putting her hands on her chest. Stickers, artist's books, and more prints are placed on the pedestal.

Tools for distribution, my activist art conveys a story. By distributing my felt, clay, and stickers, I’d like to remind everyone that Palestine is everywhere and we are not free until everyone is free.

Most of my Palestine comics feature words and poems from Palestinian writers and leaders: those from Ghassan Kanafani and Khaled Juma, and the famous poem “If I Must Die” by Refaat Alareer, written before he was killed in an airstrike by the Israeli military in December 2023. These are reminders of liberation: even though the person is killed, their words, stories, and legacy live on.

Hana Anwar’s Gallatin concentration is Art, Activism, and the Liberation of Indigenous, Black, and Palestinian People. Her work includes personal and emotional perspectives of what she experienced as the daughter of a former political prisoner and discusses the current ongoing genocide of Palestinians.